Monday, September 2, 2013

Take Wing

Why do I always take the picture with my mug? Well it's a faithful friend anyways I suppose.

Oh hey! Don't know why I'm starting this post with a picture...but I still don't have a camera so it looks like selfies is [are?] all you're gonna get for awhile. Yikes. Anyway, this is me and my tea in a coffee cup with chunky milk (expiry date May 9th...but at YWAM we freeze it, you see) right after I had woken from an almost two hour nap on the classroom floor. I dreamt about making white brownies to the tune of "I Will" by Dean Martin. Don't see a better time to blog than after that!

Here we are, the dawn of September! I had every intention of getting two posts in August. I apologize! I know that most judge themselves by their intentions and others by their actions, and I am certainly sporadic in the realm of updates. Thanks for sticking with me. I pray for consistency!

We are about to begin week 9 of lectures. What! I don't know if it's because I missed the first two weeks or what, but the months have simply zoomed by. Even faster than before. Is that possible? We leave for Zambia on September 29th, a mere four weeks away! We have been taught about being godly midwives, malaria and HIV and diseases in the developing world, prenatal care, nutrition in pregnancy in developing nations, normal labor and delivery, grief, administering drugs, fear of the Lord, administering injections (we all gave each other a practice shot in the stomach and the bum...and survived!), spiritual dynamics of birth, and probably other things I forgot to mention. This week we will be covering postnatal care, breastfeeding, and contraception. Our lecture phase actually goes beyond these three months in Perth; we will have a second, applied lecture phase while in Ethiopia, which will propel us into being a tertiary level school. The learning never stops!

As you may know, I am trusting the Lord for quite a bit of finances before September 11th when our leaders will purchase our tickets. This has been a journey in all respects. I have found that it is not simply an issue of belief; having faith for funds has been stretching me in every way. As I go, issues from the past rise to the surface and bubble over. Not saying that they have overcome me, but I have learned that God gives you opportunities to walk out the areas you have become free from. This can be testing! I am confronted with old thinking and must continually go back to the Word and to what God has spoken to me. When my mind settles down and I am back in the place where God is good, and sovereign, and trustworthy, I can see it clearly. He has called me to complete this school and go as a midwife to the nations. He has met my every need thus far. Sometimes I feel like I'm simply talking the big talk, but the bottom line is, I shan't expect anything less.

Taking her by the hand he said to her, “Talitha cumi,” which means, 
“Little girl, I say to you, arise.” And immediately the girl got up and began walking... Mark 5:41-42.

My current need is $7,900 AUD. In the flesh I am daunted by this, and I worry and toil and doubt. Yet I feel God leading me not in the opposite direction of "what can I do?" but instead bringing me face to face with the reality of "what has He already done?" Jesus delights to bring the victory when we see none. And right now, the victory is not in my line of vision. But I will look to the horizon, I will look to where my Help comes from, and I will yet trust Him.

Ladies and gents, I bring you Hyde Park. Right down the street from my house.
This Wednesday our school will be putting on our very own walk-a-thon fundraiser at that very park. Every loop around is about 1km. Would you consider sponsoring me? I would be blessed by a one-time donation or by any amount given per/km! And of course, donations for my 8-month outreach will be celebrated by squealing and dancing and most likely weeping by yours truly! The link to donate to me is: You can select "student payment," "outreach fees" "Birth Attendant School," for "someone else," then my name "Grace Eveleth." Or, if you prefer, checks can be sent to my parents who will deposit them for me. Let me know if there's any more details I can supply you with, or if you want to know more about anything! I am happy to share more and answer any questions. My email is Fire away!

I send my love out to each and every one of you. The road has begun to feel slightly long, and I
find myself hungering for the familiarity of home and wishing I could have every laugh, every growth spurt, every birthday, every milestone missed given back to me. But God is good, and I am joyful in the place that He has me. Just know you are thought of fondly, and often :).


1 comment:

  1. God is working through you and I can totally see that! Thanks for being an inspiration to me as not only my best friend but as someone I can look to to lead and inspire me to become closer to Christ and my relationship with Him. I love you Stick, thanks for sharing your experiences with us :)
